Who is the No 1 software company in USA?


The software industry in the United States is an important pillar of the American economy, generating tens of billions of dollars in revenue annually and employing millions of workers. The top software companies in the US compete fiercely for market share, with the best-known names among them such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and IBM. But who is the top software company in the US in terms of revenue and market share?

This article will examine the leading software companies in the US and assess their performance in terms of revenue, market share, and other measures. We will then draw a conclusion as to which company is the number one software company in the US.


Microsoft is undoubtedly one of the top software companies in the US, and it has been at the forefront of the industry for decades. Microsoft’s Windows operating system is the most widely used in the world, and its Office suite of productivity applications is the most popular in the US. Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform is also a leader in the field, and its Xbox video game console is a major player in the gaming industry. Microsoft’s total revenue for the fiscal year 2020 was $143.02 billion, and its total market capitalization is $1.66 trillion.


Oracle is another leading software company in the US, and its database software is widely used by businesses around the world. Oracle’s total revenue for the fiscal year 2020 was $39.16 billion, and its total market capitalization is $186.14 billion. Oracle has been expanding its cloud computing offerings in recent years and is now a major player in this market.


SAP is a German software company that has become one of the leading providers of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software in the world. It has been a major player in the US for many years, and its total revenue for the fiscal year 2020 was $30.50 billion. SAP’s total market capitalization is $158.56 billion.


IBM is another major software company in the US, and its total revenue for the fiscal year 2020 was $73.62 billion. IBM’s total market capitalization is $103.56 billion. IBM is a leader in the cloud computing market, as well as providing enterprise software solutions.


Microsoft is the clear leader among the top software companies in the US, with the highest revenue and market capitalization. Oracle and SAP are also major players in the industry, and IBM is still a significant presence in the market. All of these companies are major contributors to the US software industry, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, Microsoft is the number one software company in the US in terms of revenue and market share.

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